Be a Pro: Essential Equipment for Students in Diamond Setting School

Jul 10, 2023

Hello, future diamond setters! When I began my journey in this world of gleaming gems and precise craftsmanship, I vividly remember the exhilaration of purchasing my first set of diamond setting tools. Those tools were more than equipment; they were the building blocks of my career.

The Importance of Quality Equipment

Quality is non-negotiable when it comes to diamond setting. The precision and intricate work require tools that are efficient, reliable, and above all, safe. Never underestimate the difference a well-made tool can make in your work's quality and the protection of your precious diamonds.

Essential Diamond Setting Tools

In the beginning, my kit comprised several essential tools, each having its unique role in the grand scheme of diamond setting. The industry might seem overwhelming at first glance, but it doesn't have to be if you know what to look for.

A Deep Dive into Micro-setting Tools

Micro-setting, however, is a different ball game. It requires a distinct set of tools that cater to its need for meticulous precision. Allow me to introduce you to the game changers:

  1. Microscope: This is your eye into the minute details, making precision work possible.
  2. Ball Vice: It's like having an extra pair of hands, providing the much-needed steadiness.
  3. Ring Fixture: It holds your rings securely while you work on the intricate settings.
  4. Powered Engraver System (like GRS): This device will help you make precise cuts and seats for your diamonds.
  5. Drill: A drill offers you the control and precision required to make the initial holes where your diamonds will be seated.

Alongside these, you'll need smaller tools, especially precision layout tools like expensive dividers and vernier calipers. A comprehensive list of these tools is available for download right here.

Investing in Equipment: New vs Used

Starting out, the choice between new and used equipment can be daunting. Based on my personal experience, I'd say it depends on the tool and your budget. New tools often come with warranties and the assurance of reliability, while used tools can be more affordable, offering good value if they're well maintained. Luckily in our industry the big ticket items like the microscopes and engravers are very durable and last many years, meaning if you do find something second hand, its likely to be a great buy!

Where to Purchase Diamond Setting Equipment

There are numerous places where you can purchase diamond setting tools. Online stores often provide a wider selection, while physical stores and trade shows offer the advantage of 'try before you buy.' Reach out to other setters in your area to try out different brands of tools and see what suits you, try ebay you may sometimes find deals there, or Facebook buy and sell groups can be good as well.

Maintenance of Diamond Setting Tools

Owning tools is one thing; maintaining them is another. Proper care can significantly prolong your equipment's life and ensure safe usage. The GRS machines the handpicks need cleaning semi regularly, and the boxes may need service every few years. That's actually about it. Microscope maybe after 10 or 20 years could benefit from a tune, but for the most part simple practices like regular cleaning, safe storage, and timely servicing can go a long way.


As you embark on your journey in diamond setting school, remember that having the right equipment is just as crucial as mastering the skills. It may be an investment, but it's one that will significantly impact your career trajectory. Don't shy away from investing in quality, and always remember - every master was once a student. Enjoy your journey to becoming a pro!


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